US Colleges takes pride in offering graduates our job placement assistant program. Offering this service gives them an advantage in a competitive job market and economy. Our students benefit from these services.
Although we do not guarantee persons individual success in their personal goals, we do all we can to prepare them to become successful in their goals they have set.
US Colleges role is to provide them with the right job search information and provide a good faith effort to help them get their first job in their chosen career field upon successful graduation of our courses. We prepare them by providing resume writing education, setting up interviews, and preparing them for the interviews. We provide the graduate with the latest job leads on the market for their career field.
This program is designed to assist the student. As the placement department is searching for the student, the student should be searching as well. With both at work, the success rate increases greatly. The student’s first job is a success story for us.
Once they obtain their job, we encourage them to refer back to their skills learned in school. Their success on their job is strictly up to them but it should be fairly easy for them as our certified instructors prepare the graduates well for each of their fields. They are taught work ethics along with their specific field of choice.
Job placement assistance is a wonderful program to help our graduates become successful.
If you’re interested in training for a new career, consider enrolling in one of our healthcare career training programs. Our programs include the following: